Welcome Volunteers!
Instructions for Registering For Projects
STEP 1: Scroll through our list of projects. Click any of the photos or titles associated with the project to access its page. Read carefully about the dates, location, scope of work, degree of difficulty, vehicle requirements, and camping logistics.
STEP 2: If you are interested in volunteering, click the link that says “CLICK HERE TO REGISTER!” You will be re-directed to the project’s registration form. (If you are re-directed to a HistoriClub Early Access Page, this means the project is locked until the advanced access window for HistoriClub members is complete. If you would like advanced access to projects you can join HistoriClub.)
STEP 3: If you are a new volunteer, please fill out the required information on pages 1 and 2 of the registration form. (This will be standard for every registration form.) Returning volunteers will have the option to update their personal information and project preferences or skip ahead to registering for the project if no changes are desired.
STEP 4: Submit the form and look for a confirmation email of your submission. Next, sit tight! We’ll email you if you are accepted to the project!
HAVING DIFFICULTIES REGISTERING?: Contact us at volunteer@historicorps.org